Dave Jacka

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Day 4 & 5 – A French oasis in the middle of know where!

It was great to lose the strong winds that we had experienced the previous days . Leaving  Hawker with the sunny blue sky and calm air was really enjoyable and relaxing, the plane practically flew it self. Without all the up and down flying, Louise managed to hold her breakfast down!   Wentworth was our next stop for refueling and lunch. Unfortunately, Pauly had to […]

Day 3 – Desert, Salt Lake, Desert, More Salt Lakes, Desert, Mountains

 Birdsville Hotel Car slogan “We may be rough, but at least we’re expensive”. So is the AvGas! Woke up in Birdsville after finally getting a decent night’s sleep.  I had felt shattered from only three hours sleep the night before. There was a glorious blue sky and again, strong gusty winds.  Brian and Linda left our party […]

Birdsville and Back…

Another test flight is underway for On a Wing & a Chair. This time is to see whether Louise (coordinator for the round Australia flight) can hold her lunch down. Miraculously, with some good meds and being pilot in command for a while, she averted distributing her stomach contents within the aircraft.     We’re […]

Busy, Busy, Busy……

Its been a busy few months, with a nice break to a warmer climate to thaw out for a week.   I did a talk to Trinity Catholic Primary School in May which was a great experience with the kids, but I got a huge surprise not long ago when I received a package from […]

Lots of work done…

We have been busy the last few weeks having the Board of Directors Meeting, putting together the sponsorship proposal template and now we are finally going to potential sponsors. Its been a long road to get this far, but we are getting there at last.   Also we now have our Donation facility on the website […]

Things are moving along….

Its been a pretty busy couple of weeks, getting the Donations link on the website up and putting together the sponsorship proposal with the aim of going to potential sponsors shortly.    But a highlight this week was doing two talks to the garde 5 and 6’s at Trinity Primary School. A friend of mine, Dianna is […]