Dave Jacka


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Day 4 & 5 – A French oasis in the middle of know where!

It was great to lose the strong winds that we had experienced the previous days . Leaving  Hawker with the sunny blue sky and calm air was really enjoyable and relaxing, the plane practically flew it self. Without all the up and down flying, Louise managed to hold her breakfast down!

Wentworth was our next stop for refueling and lunch. Unfortunately, Pauly had to get back to Melbourne, so both Louise and Pauly departed for Bacchus Marsh. Lida and I continued on to our final overnight stop at Mungo Lodge, Mungo National Park (NSW).


Mungo Lodge below with Lake Mungo in the background.  It hasn’t had water for thousands of years.

It was such a surprise to find 5 star accommodation in the middle of know where!  It is a French oasis!  Jacque  the manager is French with his wife, who is the chef, makes one of the best crème brûlées I’ve ever tasted.

The best experience was meeting the other guests that were so friendly. In the dinning room we chatted across tables talking about each others travelling experiences.

A great couple I met was Ray and his wife Pam.  As soon as we had landed, Ray came down to offer assistance with tying the plane down and help to cart our bags to our room.  Ray is also recreational pilot who flies a Savanah aircraft and we talked for hours about flying and our next adventures.

It would of been great to have spent another night so we could see more of the fascinating Mungo area. We headed off this morning with clear blue skies, but not far past Swan Hill, the cloud started appearing – an ominous sign of what was to come. 

The cloud got thicker and the distance between the ground and the cloud  got narrower by the mile. As we were approaching Marybourough the showers began to appear and it was matter of zigzagging around them to get some clear air. 

Approaching Ballarat the cloud was down very low limiting our options. As I could not see a clear path ahead I decided to land at Ballarat and wait for the showers to pass.  It was very good decision as the weather didn’t abate and looking at the weather radar at the Ballarat Aero Club it confirmed my decision.


Showers towards Ballarat.

Graeme the Chief Flying Instructor was very kind and hospitable to help us to arrange accommodation to stay overnight and drove us to our motel.

Hopefully the weather will clear tomorrow and allow us to complete the final leg.


Over & Out


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