Lots of work done…
We have been busy the last few weeks having the Board of Directors Meeting, putting together the sponsorship proposal template and now we are finally going to potential sponsors. Its been a long road to get this far, but we are getting there at last.
Also we now have our Donation facility on the website up and running, so spread the word about what we are doing to anyone who might be interested!
Regarding my plane: The drama of my aircraft is still going but the end is nigh! Geoff, the mechanic who services my plane, has pulled the engine down and has found what the problems is. There are two stuck exhaust valves and a shattered piston ring, which looks like it was caused by overheating. The design of the aircraft just doesn’t provide enough cooling to the engine. Its very disappointing that a new aircraft has these problems, but I’m not the only one!
Geoff is looking at doing some minor adjustments to get better cooling. With a bit of luck I will get the aircraft back in the air this weekend and see how she goes. Fingers crossed.
Over & out
Hi Dave,
Thats great news. We've had our 230 in heavy maintenance as well. Our engine was also pulled down this week and we had two busted exhaust valves and a couple of bad rings. The major cause of overheating was blow by caused by the bad rings.
We also had broken O rings and seals on pipes leading from the plenum chamber to the exhaust manifold which also exacerbated the heating issue.
We had four pots within a good range (about 130degC) and two progressively getting hotter with each flight.
I'm picking up the aircraft from Bacchus Marsh airfield tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes.
Boy your having just as many problems as me. I hear your going to Birdsville this weekend. Its great up there. Have fun! Let me know how the Jab goes.
Just returned from Bacchus Marsh and she's humming. Lots of other improvements as well and overall she is handling much better.