Dave Jacka


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I hope you enjoy my blogs. I welcome your comments!

On a Wing & a Chair Trial Flight

FINALLY, after much planning, the Round Australia Flight is less than 4 months away! To check how prepared we are, we’ve taken to the air! Over the next 4 days with many members of the OWC support team, we’ll be warming up & finalising how the team will function on the big trip around Australia. Over these 4 days – […]

Australian Disabled Pilots Associaton Fly-in

The 3rd Australian Disabled Pilots Association fly-in was held at the Temora Airfield in NSW from the 2-4 November.  The association was formed by a group of like minded disabled pilots, and each year they get together to chat about developments in adaptations, aircraft and just do some flying.  This year the fly-in was held […]

Do you want an adventure?

After 3 years working with On a Wing and a Chair, Louise Alexander, our coordinator has decided it is time to move on. We greatly appreciate all the time & effort Louise has given to the organisation. Louise was a founding member of OWC & has been a significant contributor in getting OWC to where […]

I’ve had better Easter weekends!

It’s been awhile since the Easter long weekend when we went for a flying trip, but as you’ll find out in this blog, I’ve had better ones. p>For the Easter weekend, Linda & I flew to Temora for the annual Natfly. We spent Easter Friday checking out aircrafts of all shapes & sizes, salivating over […]

The Big Summer

Since the last time I wrote a lot has happened! I’ve been beamed around the world by the Federal Police, the planning for the trip is really starting to shape up, and I asked a lovely lady to marry me. But let’s start from the beginning…


The forecast on Wednesday night said patchy cloud with a clearing shower or two in the morning.  I was hoping this was one time they would get the forecast right as I had an important appointment to get to on Thursday afternoon. As I stuck my head out of the motel room door it just […]