Dave Jacka

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I hope you enjoy my blogs. I welcome your comments!

Finding Hope

As I sat in the recliner wheelchair unable to move, all I could do was stare at the pale blue wall in front of me.  In that moment, the reality of the consequences of my motorbike accident suddenly transformed from a vague detached thought, to the dark and painful realisation, that my life as I […]

5 lessons I learnt from quadriplegia to deal with uncertainty

I read a book recently that touched on why some people like to go on adventures or take on challenges.  With our lives being so controlled and uniform each day—at least in the western world—some seek out challenges because they provide a level of uncertainty that makes life more exciting. I’ve been thinking about this […]

Popping the Bubble!

“Dave, there’s an opportunity going that might be up your alley” said Pete on the phone. “Really, what is it?” I ask suspiciously. “There’s a spot going for a 7-day trip sailing on a tall ship” “A tall ship ay?  They’re not very wheelchair accessible.” “Yeah, but this one is.  It was built by the […]

Travel lighter, travel easier!

I love to get away from the familiar four walls for a while, although I don’t do it as much as I would like.  It tends to be a long time between drinks for my big trips but I find, even for a quick fix, getting away for a few days recharges my psychological battery, making me feel happier, more […]

Thoughts on planning a small or large adventure

Some say to feel the true sense of adventure it needs to be spontaneous or with minimal planning allowing the uncertainty of how it might turn out, resembling a leaf’s unpredictable journey in the wind. I have to be honest, I do like the idea of taking off and letting the universe dictate how the […]

It’s official, the Paddle Wheel Murray River Expedition has started!

Today was forecast to be 36 degrees, no matter how you say it, its bloody hot! With that in mind, we needed to get away early. For Tiy and me, that meant a 4am start with the rest of the team rising soon after. In the dark, a faint glow to the east, we unloaded […]

Almost There!

I can’t believe after two years since getting this idea to paddle down the Murray River, training over the last year stroke, after stroke, blisters and aching arms up and down the Yarra River, in the heat, cold, wet and sunshine I can’t believe it is about to happen. At times it just seemed like […]