Dave Jacka


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Paddle Wheel Murray River Expedition

My next big adventure is only 6 weeks away. I am attempting to paddle my modified kayak from Lake Hume to the Sea, 2,200 long, winding kilometres. It sounds painful when I say it slow and think about it!

The expedition will start on the 1st March 2016 and I am hoping to finish by the end of May 2016.

I’m doing this as a personal challenge. I’m curious to see where my limits lay, both physically and mentally. I also hope to challenge attitudes. Through this expedition, I aim to highlight that we all have the ability to unlock the true potential of the human spirit. I believe our true potential is limited only by what we think we can do, not a disability or any other obstacle that we may feel is holding us back. It’s about giving things a go and being open to where the journey takes you.

With quadriplegia and only 6% physical function; no finger function, limited arm function, unable to move anything from my armpits down and no temperature control, this will be one of the toughest challenges I have ever undertaken.

This expedition would never be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers to help me achieve this goal. I have a diverse team that includes a ground crew, a support kayaker, support boat driver, back-up boat driver and a carer. In my upcoming blogs, I will talk more about these amazing people who are making this expedition a reality.

I invite you to follow our journey as we meander around the bends, through the changing landscape, from towns to the isolated countryside, camping on the banks, listening to the birds as the sun sets and meeting local people along the way.

During the expedition, I will be posting on Facebook daily (Dave Jacka) and posting a weekly blog (http://davejacka.com/blog/)

In the coming weeks, I will talk about the modifications to my kayak, the challenges of the trip, the team, and much more. Stay tuned!


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