Dave Jacka


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Day 29 – Rest day in Mandurah

It really feels like time to head home.

We’ve been going for about a month now. That’s a month of packing our luggage up every morning, looking at weather, deciding if flyable, flying, refueling, flying, refueling, going to accommodation, blogging, facebooking, rearranging accommodation when delayed, & a bit of sleep. This has been no holiday. It’s a lot easier going to work each day.

This entire trip has been about promoting the message of OWC & its been a huge personal challenge for me.

Ever since we completed our final milestone yesterday, my mind is now set on getting home. I feel tired & I’m so looking forward to a day when I can just sit in front of some mindless TV & not worry about what I need to do for tomorrow.

Although today was a rest day, it definitely hasn’t been a rest day, as the only thing we didn’t do today is packup & fly. Linda is constantly on the phone making calls for the following days ahead & talking to base support.

The rest of the support team are down at the airfield servicing my plane, refuelling the planes & shopping for food & other supplies we need for tomorrow. Thanks guys!

I’m feeling tired & a bit ordinary today. I think the mental & physical drain is starting to catch up with me.

When we first started this flight around Australia, Linda & I were already exhausted with a lack of sleep & stressed out from all the preparation for this trip, but then it was also difficult trying to get into a routine with how we were going to get everything done each night – blog, facebook, recharging electrical items, backing up media, preparing for the next day, etc. I think it took us until Darwin to work out a good system.

Now we can generally get to bed by a decent time, perhaps by 10 pm. This has been really important as often I need to get up at 4 am if we are to leave our accommodation by 7 am – yes, that’s right, it can take me 3 hours to get ready in the morning with assistance from my personal support, Josh.

With the Great Australian Bight ahead of us, we are concerned about the weather as there are a whole series of cold fronts coming through – including one tonight. If we don’t get out tomorrow, we could be stuck here until next weekend. I really don’t want that to happen. But as with flying, we don’t have much of a choice – safety is paramount. We will get up in the air when the weather gods allow us.

I’d like to greatly thank Adrian Van Schouwen, CFI with Cloud Dancer Sport Aircraft, for picking me up a spare tyre & 2 tubes & oil for my Jabiru. I couldn’t get to Jandakot today so he bought these, & jumped on a train to get these to me. He has never met me & doesn’t know me from a bar of soap.

On this trip, there have been so many wonderful people who have helped us out in so many various ways.

I’d like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. It has been the OWC support team & kind people in communities all around Australia who have helped make this flight possible & helped to spread the message of why we are doing this: to raise the publics expectations of what people with disabilities can achieve & provide inspiration for all, to get out & have a go at their own dreams & goals.

Over & out,


8 thoughts on “Day 29 – Rest day in Mandurah”

  1. Hello Dave, I’m Michael’s mum, Robert and I have been following your journey several times a day from Day 1, and are amazed at how many people have offered their assistance in so many ways to the whole team – it’s a nice feeling knowing there are so many generous, helpful people out there. I work for a disability service provider in Griffith helping young people with disabilities reach personal goals and gain independence. You are very inspirational, we wish you clear skies for the rest of your journey.
    Carol Prince.

  2. Hi Dave and Crew,

    Well done! On the home stretch now. What an achievement. Enjoy as much as you can – it will be over in a blink.

    Cheers Ej, Aura and Bella Bo.

  3. I can understand how tired you must be, having done a couple of much, much shorter but similar trips in our Jab. It just makes what you are achieving over such a huge distance and time even more amazing. Hang in there for a bit longer and then, hopefully, you can watch all the TV you want. Not that I can see you sitting around for long….it will be just long enough to recover I imagine and you will be up to mischief again! Fingers crossed for flying weather for the rest of the trip. Fly safe, Liz.

  4. Dave,
    You and the team have already achieved great milestones. I know you are tired but at least you are flying and seeing the big Australia! Believe me you do not want a normal day going to work. It will be boring. I suspect the weather may slow you down particularly when you get closer to Victoria. You have had a excellent run so far. Enjoy the flight, may it never end!

  5. Travel under any conditions is always exhausting. But the way your mob are doing it!!!!…… Tough. That said, what a great experience and hats off and full marks for all the achievements so far. All the best for the east bound leg and I’ll lay money that the moment you have time to relax you’ll be plotting and planning the next “whatever”.

  6. Hi Dave
    I always say after a holiday you need a holiday to recover.
    You have achieved so much and faced many challenges the least is getting ready each day and as for getting up at 4am !!!!!!!!!!!!! However you are on the home stretch and still have some magnificent country to fly over.
    Watching mindless tv can’t see that happening there is another adventure out there and it’s waiting for you.
    Hope the weather holds but if not that’s the luck of the draw the important thing is to be safe

  7. David,
    Congratulations on your efforts thus far…look forward to catching up with you upon your return…not long now! Hang in/up there!
    Safe flying.
    Greg Ready

  8. Hi Dave& Linda &Crew once again.
    I’ve been away for awhile see you are all going great still.One thing you are not short of is stamina.Sure is great your on the home run albeit worn out.Be safe for the remainder of your flight.What a great achievement by every one of you guy/s and gal.Cheers for now Snoddy.

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