Dave Jacka


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Me in 3D & flight planning: seeking CASA approval

It’s our first weekend back after the trial flight. I’m finally getting rid of my chesty cough that’s been plaguing me since Christmas. With much sleep, I’m finally recovering!

Firstly, yesterday I received an unexpected call from a stranger saying that they wanted to meet me as they had made something for me.  As anyone would be, I was quite surprised & nervously intrigued!

Today, I met with Paul & Christine Lucas from Mornington (VIC). Paul had created for me a papertole of my recent Herald Sun front page article. I was absolutely stunned! We heard from his wife Christine, that Paul makes these & enjoys the look on people’s faces when he gives them as a gift.

It was a lovely surprise & thanks Paul for creating something special for me that will definitely be going in the pool room!

It was also great to hear them proudly talk about their 12-year old grandson, who is so passionate about planes & is currently learning to fly at Moorabbin. He will surely become a pilot before he gets his driving license. Well done! Great to hear about someone so young & passionate following their dream!


The recent Herald Sun article in 3D papertole! Created by Paul Lucas.

Secondly, just a quick update on some of the challenges we are facing with our planning…

Since March 2012, I’ve been communicating with CASA to try to get an exemption to allow me to fly through controlled airspace during the Round Australia Flight. The main reason why I’m seeking this, is that it would give me greater safety as I’d have more options with places to land. This would also allow me to  fly a more direct route with the support planes as they are General Aviation & permitted to fly through controlled airspace. By doing this, I can stick to the coastline as much as possible, rather than traveling inland at times.

Hopefully, I can get this exemption. It would really help us out.  Currently, I’m waiting on CASA to give me a date for an operational check of my aircraft & determine if I can fly it. Then I will still need to undertake training to fly in controlled airspace before the flight starts April 29. I will let you know how it goes. Fingers crossed.

Over & out.




2 thoughts on “Me in 3D & flight planning: seeking CASA approval”

  1. Hi Dave, I had the fortunate pleasure of meeting you at one of your presentations at the Royal Talbot earlier this year. Mate saying that you are a true inspiration is a gross understatement…I really hope that the rest of your planing of your flight route runs smootlhly and CASA signs off on everything. I’m one of your biggest supporters and will be following your life’s dream and journey.
    It’s men like you that show the rest of the disabled community that sometimes your disability is in fact your biggest strength. Thank you for being the great bloke and positive role model that you are and giving back to the disabled community. Take care and safe flying…
    Marcus Sander

    1. Hi Marcus,

      Thanks so much for your comment. It’s great to hear from you. I really appreciate your support.
      I wish you all the best for your journey & goals in life.


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