Dave Jacka


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Day 26 – Rest day in Karratha

As with all rest days, today gave us all the chance to catchup on a few things.

We had a great night last night with my sister Marg & family. Its always nice to be with family. I was pretty tired & after a couple of wines, I struggled to keep my eyes open. I was soon in bed & it was great to sleep in late until 9 am this morning.

Marg & Jon made us a great cooked brunch. I needed some medication so Dr Tom, our base support doctor sent some scripts to a pharmacy here in Karratha so I could get what I needed. Thanks Dr Tom!

While Linda & I went into town & picked this up, Josh sourced all the lunch supplies needed for tomorrow. Paul, Gordon, Michael & Bob went to the airfield to play with the planes & got the chance to go up to the control tower & chat to the guys there.

This afternoon I did an interview with Gautam Lewis from Freedom in the Air, based in the UK. It was great to chat. Well worth checking out their website: www.freedomintheair.org.

Thanks to Karratha Glass Service for all their help during our stay in Karratha. They gave us a $200 donation and we also received a $200 donation from Koste Suleski, this helped cover the cost of accommodation for 2 of our team members.

While in Karratha, Linda, myself & Josh stayed with my sister Marg & family. Gordon & Paul stayed with Phil & Michelle Reid who are friends of Jon & Marg – thanks Phil & Michelle! And Bob & Michael stayed at the Bay Village Accommodation who kindly provided a generous discount & the donated money we recieved covered this cost.

Thanks also to Elaine & Pete Christensen for assisting with transportation by providing a vehicle.

I’ve been so looking forward to tonight. Marg is making her famous lasagne for us all. I’m actually salivating as I write this, it is that good!

Tomorrow we leave Karratha & head south to Carnarvon.

Over & out,


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